Disruptive & Digital
Grades 1-10
Question Bank
Spam Free
Thinking, Stories, Labs
Our Story
6D.School (2024 onwards), was born as SOIL - School of Innovation and Leadership (2020-23), world's first Gen Z Cloud Campus promoting Learning by Problem Solving. During its initial years, SOIL students and mentors have created an AI-Powered Educational AID (Ask Anjlee) to the Covid Impacted Students & Families in 2021.
During this course of existence, we realized the need for Free Educational Aid for Socially, Economically Deprived Students across the world. Our Mission to serve 1 Million Covid impacted students has now turned into a Mega Mission of serving at least 10 Million Basic Education Deprived Children across the globe. This led to the extension of Ask Anjlee from a Bot to an Academy.
Education is the basic foundation framework that helps build a human's Social and Professional Character. Education gives clarity and confidence to lead life. Education helps one navigate from a state of confusion to clarity in every walk of life. Hence our commitment to impart this powerful framework to every child who deserves the fundamental right to learn.
6D.School, thus leveraging 21st-century Digital Technologies as its building blocks, is attempting to "revolutionalize the delivery" of Primary, Secondary, and Skill Education to Millions of beneficiary student communities across the planet.
in Feb 2024, SOIL & Ask Anjlee have been merged to form 6D.School, an under 18 platform that caters the learning appetite of Neo Gen Digital Natives.
Global Education Delivery Pain Points:
Thousands of Schools' Closure due to Covid19 Impact
Loss of Parents & Family Members who sponsor the Child's Education
Economically Destroyed Families for various reasons
Non-Availability of Trained Teachers in Remote Villages and Small Towns
Destruction of the Schools' Supply Chain across the globe due to Covid19
Whom all can Benefit:
6D.School is an educational platform that can be leveraged by Orphans, Rural Students, Remote Tribal Communities, Govt Schools, Welfare Schools and Hostels, Home Schoolers, Tier 2 & Tier 3 Schools, Teachers across the Globe, New and Existing Schools, and Aspiring Teachers.
6D School, 6D.SIP unit of 6D.Research Foundation is a collective effort of 500+ Global Leaders, Techies, Volunteers, Teachers, Interns, and Students.